What is your New Year’s INTENTION?

I ran across a quote a few days ago and could kick myself for not being the one who wrote it.  It sums up what I believe is true about New Year’s Re
solutions (note my most recent blog entry).  Here’s the quote
which, in my humble opinion, is genius.


Ahhh …. there’s the truth of the matter …. Resolutions do indeed scream that something is wrong, something inside of you is broken or flawed or misguided or damaged.  They whisper in your soul’s ear that there’s a nagging negative itch that needs attention and if you were a better person, stronger, more disciplined, and if you held enough power in your own hands, then you most certainly can resolve to change.  However, the problem is that resolutions do not take into account the ebb and flow of everyday life, its difficulties and the effects those things have on our bodies, our spirits, our minds and the ability or inability to change what is (in our own minds) our “problem” area in the way of healthy living, diet, exercise.

Don’t misunderstand me.  I do not condone pure laziness of spirit where there’s never a goal or an effort to better one’s self.  I believe wholeheartedly that there does, indeed, need to be a drive … a force from within that moves us and shapes us, that challenges us andimages creates an awakening to our full potential.  However, when that force becomes a negative energy that points a finger straight back at your own face and
tells you that you have failed (again) because you didn’t “meet the mark” or blames you for allowing life to stall your efforts … that resolution has turned ugly and will provide nothing more to you than a sense of failure and a “who cares anyway” attitude.

Intention defined by Webster’s Dictionary means this:  To consider a concept that will become the product of one’s attention.  An aim or purpose.  The thing that you plan to do or achieve.

images-5Moving about with an intention … an aim or a purpose/goal allows for gradual progress to be made.  It means you can take time to consider the concept of your purpose/goal (the big picture) and make your success about the bigger picture, the concept, instead of stating a limiting, close-ended resolution where your success or failure rate hinges on accomplishing the specifics (i.e.:  “I’m going to go the gym for at least an hour, 5 days per week without fail! ” or “I promise to cut out all sugars and alcohol and breads”).  What would a better stated intention sound like in reference to these 2 resolutions?  What is the bigger concept … the bigger picture?   How about this:  “In 2016 I intend to create a lifestyle that includes more exercise and less poor eating choices so that I may lead a healthier life”  Your intention can list some ways to accomplish that purpose/goal, but be careful about becoming too specific and thereby setting yourself up for potential failure.

After setting that bigger picture intention and coming up with a do-able plan of action, strive to create a lifestyle switch that will enable you to move forward and progress into lasting change for the better.  The key word here is “lasting”.  Resolutions can truly come and go in the blink of an eye.  Just look at gym attendance in January as opposed to the attendance (or lack thereof) in March.  That disparity is, in and of itself, proof that too many people made grandiose resolutions that they were unable to accomplish, while fewer people created conceptual purposes/goals that put them on the path to success.

So, what is your INTENTION this year?  When you come around to December 31, 2016, what will you have truly accomplished?  My hope is that you come out of this year unscathed by unachievable expectations and you look back on this year’s “spark of magic + manifestation” that you developed at the beginning of the year and that was rooted in “self love and backed with action”  … and  you simply ~smile~ !


Michele is a “Forty-Something” wife and mother of three who has a passion for all that is fitness! She has 20+ years experience in the health and fitness industry, specializing in functional, athletic-based exercises that incorporate elements of strength, agility, power, rotation, balance and speed. She has had the privilege of working with many types of people with various backgrounds, ranging in age from pre-teen to seniors, men and women alike. Her experience and enthusiasm has led to leadership positions in privately owned facilities, nationally renowned gyms and owner and operator of her own fitness facility.
When she is not helping others achieve their health and fitness goals, she is personally bringing herself to new challenges and achievements. Michele strives to live a fitness life of example to others focusing on her own training and by competing in events that require exercise discipline and focus.
Michele has an undergraduate degree in English Education with a Minor in the Dramatic Arts. Her professional qualifications include Personal Training certificates from Ace and NHCA (National Health Club Association); AFAA (Aerobic and Fitness Association of America) Group Exercise certificates for Kickboxing, Step and Group Fitness Theory & Practice; Silver Sneakers I and II from Health Care Dimensions; Schwinn Cycling Coach from the Nautilus Institute; Cycle Reebok from Reebok University; Mat Pilates from SCW Fitness; Kettlebell Master Trainer status from KFIT USA. She is a member of IDEA Fitness Association and also has certificates in CPR/AED/O2 and First Aid.

Where did the Follow Through go?

I’m not a RESOLUTIONS kinda person…even more so having been in the fitness industry for over 20 years now.  At the end of every year and at the beginning of the next, I witness the same thing.  Rarely has the pattern changed among the masses.  Only a few people have come along the path and have surprised me.  In general the pattern looks something like this:

“This year will be different!  I’m making a resolution to go to the gym _____ days per week (fill in the blank … usually it’s a number that is higher than can be truly accomplished) and I am going to lose _____ amount of weight (again, fill in the blank and the same rules apply as above).  I vow to become healthier in my eating habits and have a fitter lifestyle … this is MY YEAR!”

We all know this pattern by a term.  It’s called a RESOLUTION.  Don’t get me wrong; resolutions are a great place to start.  However, there’s a problem with resolutions in general.  They usually are just that …. too general without any kind of concrete goal or time limit or date where the resolution can be resolved…accomplished…completed…overcome.  Resolutions don’t seem to require an action plan.  And the action plan is the thing that determines the success or failure of the resolution.  Why do so many people start a gym membership or a training regimen with a trainer, or go to class after class after class on January 1 and then fall off the wagon come March?  Where did the follow through go?  Why does it seem non-existent every year in so many people?  6a9cea34c41c14136b679cafcca44ad4

The follow through is lost in the ambiguity of the resolution and its flimsy, if non-existent call to action..in its lack of a specific, well-planned, concrete goal that is to be reached.  The follow through is actually the most important aspect, yet it is the very thing that is lost and therefore failure to succeed is inevitable.  All those good vibes disappear along with the people who “commit” on January 1.  In time, the January 1st gym-goers whittle down to the ones who have a lifestyle of fitness year-round, have specific goals they are trying to reach from keeping their sanity through daily sweat sesh’s or entering a competition, race or accomplishing personal fitness goals that take them to better places than where they were yesterday and the day before that.  These are the ones who understand that Follow Through is where it’s at.  They know that it’s so much more about the follow through than the resolution.  In fact, many of these gym “lifestylers” don’t even make resolutions.

I guess the point is this:  If you really feel like you want to make a New Year’s Resolution, do it!  But maybe this year make it more specific with a definitive call to action that is based on the more important component of a New Year’s Follow Through.  And then create a form of accountability that will insure you DO follow through.  Accountability can come through a person (an exercise partner, personal trainer, nutritionist, family member).  Accountability can also come through a monetary investment.  You may be driven to follow through so as not to waste your money.  Sometimes the investment has to be more than just the nominal monthly fee at a gym … again, possibly too general and broad.  Perhaps hiring a coach, a trainer, a dietician will keep you focused enough on the follow through.  A third way to employ accountability is to sign up for something that will push you, something that is outside your comfort zone, scary even … like a fitness event you have to actually train for  … not one you could enter tomorrow and could accomplish even if it kills you … not something you are already good at or something that your body is already adapted/accustomed to … not something that ANYONE could do.  To name a few: register and pay for a body building competition, a triathlon, a challenging outdoor event like a 3-day adventure race, a trek carrying all your supplies in a pack on your back, an Ironman, a photo shoot that highlights the dramatic changes you’ve made.  Do something you’ve never done before and that nearly puts the fear of God in you … something you actually have to train for in order to accomplish.  PS:  there is a difference between “working out” and “training”!

wall-quotes_16850-0And then begin.  Implement your Action Plan, your Follow Through.  Move beyond the Resolution and DO IT … Do GREAT THINGS.  GRAND THINGS.  Set your sights forward with no chance for an exit plan.  Rid yourself of a diffused-light kind of focus and become a clear, sharp, fiery hot Laser-Beam.  This is where the magic happens.  This is where resolutions become child’s play.  You’re running with the big dogs now!  You haven’t a second to waste on doubt, fear, the endless (and often viable) excuses that tell you, “Now’s not the right time”, “You may fail”, “You shouldn’t focus on yourself when so many other people need you”, “You may be too old for this”, “Don’t you know you have limitations?”, “You’ve tried before”, “You are too busy”, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.  Here’s a secret — it’s NEVER the right time (life is always gonna be hectic, busy, time-consumed.  Yes, you may fail but not getting back up is true failure because you’ve quit on yourself.  Focusing on something for YOU makes you a better someone for others.  Age is only a number — you can do ANYTHING you really want to do and set your mind to do.  EVERYONE has some kind of limitation.  Have you taken a look at the accomplishments of people with more severe limitations than you?  Perspective, people.  Perhaps you have tried before.  So what.  Try again.  And we are all busy.  We all lead lives that have time constraints.  You make time for the things you REALLY want.  It’s all evidence in your priorities and how you manage that busy-ness.

Be encouraged.  YOU CAN DO whatever you set your mind and heart to do.  You CAN!  March is the month where things start to unravel for the resolutioners.  I say, pick up your sword and head into battle, my friend.  Don’t become a statistic.  Become a legend.  You’ll be amazed at the Warrior Spirit that develops inside of you once you train yourself to go to battle with the things that hold you back year after year.  Grab hold of some deep seeded GRIT and head into battle — make waves — accomplish goals — become a DO-er — eyes, heart fixed — and FOLLOW THROUGH with every ounce of your being with a DO or DIE mentality.  You’ve got this!